Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration - 2023

Capturing Moments of Enjoyment

Our Activity

Embracing Tradition and Unity at Vision Infotech 


At Vision Infotech, we don’t just work together; we celebrate together. Our annual Ganpati Utsav brings joy and harmony to our workplace, as we welcome Lord Ganpati with fervor and devotion.


Anant Chaturdashi: A Grand Farewell

Our ten-day celebration culminates on Anant Chaturdashi, also known as Ganpati Visarjan day. And it’s nothing short of spectacular! 🎉


Chandrayaan-Themed Decor: We take our Ganpati’s abode to the moon and back! Chandrayaan-themed decorations adorn our workspace, creating an otherworldly atmosphere.


Aagaman with Dhola Nagara: The sound of the dhola nagara fills the air as Ganpati Ji arrives. It’s a moment of pure exhilaration and unity.


Garba: Our team transforms into a dancing troupe on the day of Visarjan. Garba, foot-tapping music, and vibrant attire set the stage for an unforgettable farewell.


Chappan Bhog: Offering 56 varieties of delicious bhog is a culinary adventure for our team. It’s a treat for both the senses and the soul.


Katha and Aarti: Our daily rituals include reading the Ganpati Katha, offering prayers, and performing aarti. It’s a time for reflection and gratitude.


Visarjan: A Grand Farewell: On the day of Visarjan, we bid farewell to our beloved Bappa. The grand procession, with dhol-nagara and heartwarming goodbyes, is a sight to behold.


Our Ganpati Utsav isn’t just a festival; it’s a bond that unites us all. Together, we create memories, celebrate traditions, and strengthen the Vision Infotech family.


Watch this exciting video capturing the essence of our Ganpati Utsav.


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